67. I Know Her Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

67. I Know Her

I know her
Like the palm of my hand
In all proximities;
I know her moods
In all nuances
Of rise and fall
'Neath the self’s ocean;
I sank to her depths,
And ran with passion’s streams;
I rose with her sprites
And saw worlds in eyes
Of her pride.

She is pure beauty
That lulls heart and soul
To divine indulgence;
She is noble of heart
And leads to the path of truth
That raises in winged pleasures
To the inner world of peace;
She lights distant horizons
Though still as Polaris,
And fills all worlds with hopes
Of ceaseless sweet musings,
Of supreme awakening.

I see her in invisibles,
I feel her in nothingness;
She pervades days and nights
Like fragrance and innocence;
She rises like holy hymns
In sylvan crystal transparence
And rocks cosmic rhythms
That soothes seething nerves;
She flows in ceaseless streams
And dazzles life all round.

I seek her gentle touch,
She spreads her light a 'where
From subtle nowhere
In benign beneficence;
She runs across the time
For eternal commune of souls,
In ecstatic speck of continual 'now',
What in quantum constitute my whole;
She thirsts for me and me for her
In divine bond,
Where hearts fuse in absolute subtle rhyme.

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