16. Simply Yours Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

16. Simply Yours

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I’m simply yours,
Every minute, hour, for endless years
Along the vennels of past, present and future,
I’m simply yours
Like fishes for water,
Birds for wind
And stars all over the sweep of the space,
I’m simply yours,
Yours only always.

Clouds may form without water,
Tides may run without wind,
Times may bubble beyond space;
But, beyond your orbit, sheer nought I’m,
Without a fulcrum to stand on and belong,
Without horizons.

You give me an axis, my horizons,
Wherein I swim in joy of what I am
And make me I, and I’m yours
Of unalloyed mould of heavenly bond
Of shared pains and shared pleasures,
Where age is no constraint
And distance is no bar.

You are my world, my light,
You are my fulfillment,
You are my reason, my meaning,
You are my cause and target,
Wherefore I move all through life.

From the scary womb of pitch darkness,
I feel the streaks of feeble light
Flying at me from horizons you fill;
I hear your beckon,
I madly look to breakout to light
And blend and bond with you forever;
But, shut all round and wings broken,
No glimmer of hope to light my fuse,
I only declare, I’m “Simply Yours”.

Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 03 March 2010

You are my world, my light, You are my fulfillment, You are my reason, my meaning, You are my cause and target, Wherefore I move all through life............open and frank admission I am yours' so beautifully interwove3nwith clear heart and it has moved me with its words.. lovely sir.....10 read mine bidding farewell..come home...home bound

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Nivedita Bagchi SPC UK 20 February 2010

‘I’m “Simply Yours”’ a Romantic poem the …vibe spinning tangentially into horizon and picturesque… 10 Ms. Nivedita UK

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