A Beautiful Dream Poem by Gerry Legister

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Gerry Legister

Gerry Legister

Silver Spring, Westmorland, Jamaica

A Beautiful Dream

A beautiful dream, awaken within me,
In the night, dewdrops waited upon trees;
Sounds like music from a celestial orchestra,
Lulled by the moonlight passing in the breeze.

I have a beautiful dream, in a melodious song,
Listen awhile with your heart to the soft tune;
And hear the cares of this life go far beyond.
Troubled thoughts, beaming light into the gloom.

When this beautiful dream, awakens within me
I search for reasons for this mystery,
and hope that the dream was more than fantasy
even more beautiful than the colorful reality.

In which joy breathe that beautiful dream,
over stream vapors into the vein of my heart,
doubts waiting to fade at the bright coming morn.
When all the clouds of sorrows would depart.

And go beyond conformity to picturesque water
that beautiful dream was a revelation tonight,
and when morning comes, dividing the air
Away from the dark gloom of my spirit.

I will glance back into changing trance
Take a soft look at the dream and close my eyes
and placed my feet upon the mountain in space;
among dreamers in the crowd of stars.

Monday, October 24, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: dream
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Gerry Legister

Gerry Legister

Silver Spring, Westmorland, Jamaica
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