A Boomerang Poem by J Sheba Anandhi

A Boomerang

Rating: 4.7

Life isn't always like a boomerang,
Whatever you give will not always come back,
At times life is like a boomerang,
When you least anticipate it, it may come back,
Even if it takes a while or a lifetime to get back,
The good and bad comes back
When it is time for the payback.

Friday, April 6, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: good,life,time
Tom Allport 11 June 2018

a poem that sums up perfectly what life can be like? ...…………well penned J

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Robert Murray Smith 11 June 2018

When you throw a boomerang you are never sure where it will land.++10 Congratulations on your posting in this category.

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Britte Ninad 11 June 2018

Life is exhausting @child-youth-growth and entire great journey to nonreturnable but in these process the payback is executed acutely..... great 10+++

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Mahtab Bangalee 11 June 2018

Life isn't always like a boomerang but time is fact here so that it will return for the payback..... nice theme 10+++

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Bernard F. Asuncion 11 June 2018

Sheba, such an excellent poem of the day... congrats for being chosen....huge 10++++

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Richard Wlodarski 13 October 2020

A belated Congrats on POD. Whatever you put out into the universe, it comes back tenfold. So why not just put out good manifestations!

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Rajnish Manga 12 June 2018

A philosophical thought beautifully explained. Thanks, J Sheba.

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Akhtar Jawad 11 June 2018

Nature returns our deeds and misdeeds but it takes time to calculate the balance of deeds and misdeeds. It returns the balance only. Sometimes we see a credit balance (with profits) and sometimes a debit balance (with interests) in our bank statement. A thoughtful poem and a well deserved selection as members' poem.

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Lyn Paul 11 June 2018

Wise words expressed. Life is about hope, waiting, accepting and giving. Thank You

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Kelly Kurt 11 June 2018

That is indeed how it seems to work. Peace!

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