A Broken Teen Poem by Brandi Robinson

A Broken Teen

I have slowly but surely lost my way.
I see it with every passing day
The way I'm going
I can't turn away
I just want to run

It feel and looks like I'm stuck in this life
Thinking that maybe I will never become a wife
The thought I will never be anything in this life
The feeling like dying

But I can never get around to doing it
I can never see myself pulling the trigger
Nor pulling myself off that bridge
I'm taking my time
But why?

Why put myself though the pain of waiting
The feeling of beening left out
I'm starting to see things
Hear voices
Bad dreams
And I just want them to stop

The feeling of believing there's no help
No one can save you
That the world can only deliver pain
Sorrow, broken hearts
Can't tell anyone what goes on in my mind
They will lock me up
Pump me with meds
Try to tell me everythings going to be ok

It's a lie
It's all a lie

I can't do that to them
My family
It's not your falt
It's not
Because I'm broken
Nothing anyone could have done
Or nothing no one did

I went years, months
Weeks, days
Minutes, seconds
Telling myself it will get better
That my life means something
Trying not to come up with the came out come
With me leaving
By walking out the door
Or in a body bag

I'm so sorry
I love you so much
And If you find this
That's mean i made my choice
And I hope you forgive me
Sign By
A Broken Teen

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