A Coc'Cooned And Stinkly Fart. Poem by Michael Gale

A Coc'Cooned And Stinkly Fart.

This dew droplet stretching from one singled green grass blade as it inches closer to the softened greenish ground covering well so damp...
Lays around like a well anchored mobile home, erected for a living of
surrounded inhabitting a over full rented camp.

Hued colors of blue and yellow...
Emit from a bow that is colorfully mellow.

Mushroomed caps peek from behind many greenish grassy blades...
Passed only by single rows of army ants covered with desert khaki colored shades.

A lone owl sits perched upon a tree branch that is set behind one
large yellowed moon...
This feathered creature awaits it's unexpected hunted prey, that will appear so real, real soon.

Praying Mantis kneels and is ever ready to jump as spring...
It's bugly prey is temporarily distracted by the Robin bird tweeting and chirping a song it happily does willingly want to sing.

Nature has butterflies flapping their wings in a slo-mo'ed time mid-flight...
Bumble bees and Humming birds give cats an awfully anticipated urgent wanted sight.

If cats could smile, they'd lick their lips and drool on down their front....
These cats would lie in wait, for the evening's last final hunt.

When all is through, we be filled with gas and hurt too much we fart and finally, embearassedly and reluctantly silently grunt.
No one may ever forgive us after we've done this stinky number one rude old stunt.

Catterpillar coccooned in the tree...
One day will so emerge to fly away so happly free.

Michael Gale

Michael Gale

Chicago Illinois/Oklahoma City.
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