A Dream, A Wish, A Truth Poem by Adam Wade

A Dream, A Wish, A Truth

Charming, I call you.

You, who ride your brilliant steed through the wildernesses of my mind
That great blade shimmering as white diamonds as the moon catches it majesty

Slain are my demons- oh brave warrior how you undo those wicked thoughts

How simple you make these battles seem

A soft, hot kiss

Salt and truth I taste

In the deep… that is where I find sanctuary

Beneath the old oak trees where solidarity with nature and you are achieved

The ways of humankind have led me here

I am no longer one of them

I am forgotten to them

Faceless warrior with my name on your tongue

How be it that I know you not when sunrise takes me from this place

This body I reserve for you, alone

They say that I am but ice and walls

No man can breech this defense

But I am fire and love, ever-seeking that prince

If flesh is denied me and dream my only escape

So be it
I will be the shadow, the loveless

Patiently awaiting our rendezvous in this realm until my spirit is plagued no more

And love releases me from this lonely curse

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Adam Wade

Adam Wade

Johnson City, TN
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