A Father's Prayer Poem by Ardimus Caldwell

A Father's Prayer

Unlock your mind
Start to learn about the power of words
Then voice your opinion
Yo you can be my inspirational radio
And instead of numbers defining the better tuned station mind
Your feelings would be the dj to the creation of my playlist
Instead of wasting wishs upon far away stars out of the horizon
Wish upon dreams carried by broken promises
That we as men driven over because you came nine months to early
Little girl you can be president
Set aside neglected mother eye's
Look past as being seen as another beauty mark that'll only attract Guys
Being brought up not knowning what's up from what's wrong
Taught to lay on your back is the only way to learn at all
Told to lower your standerds because men can't stand that tall
You could lead this nation if you give it a try
There's no need to cry
Prove to all eye's that you are worth more than thought
A one night mistake
Lies of a condom break
Your idea's will become brighter as each is step is taken
Open your eye's because skid marks never seemed so beautiful when Seen from behind
Release your mind child you're going to be president one day
Regardless of what America may say
You, little girl you are my daughter

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