A Fly Flew In My Hair Poem by Edd Little

A Fly Flew In My Hair

A fly flew in my hair and it became its home
It nested there where it was prone to roam
It sat amongst the follicles whilst spying the epidermis.

When the sun would shine its splendid glow
The fly inherited heat lest emitting buzz or moan
Should disturbance come to my frizz.

As a stone becomes sand so did time pass, and after long
I aged a week but for the fly it was an aeon
And you may not think, yet I was aware of its presence.

Content to let us live side by side in peace and song
The fly’s nature refused to seek release, it now belonged
And you may not believe, yet I felt its essence.

Life was full of plenty, there lay nutrition in my curls
There was no need for sentry, to protect its precious pearls
Fear alleviated, the fly was at last satiated.

Having a strong wind as an enemy in disconcerting lulls
Overcoming these ill-favoured odds using wings as curtains holds
Calm once more, gust abated.

Gliding from street to street without little care
Of this benevolent creature sharing my hair
This is a story of life and the living.

And now for the fly that flew into me I say a small prayer
For if it’s still flying I am now unaware
And I thank heaven for what it gave me and what it’s still giving.

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