A Funeral Of Women Poem by Christine A Kysely

A Funeral Of Women

I buried my best friend long ago
But it feels like it was yesterday
I miss calling her on the phone
I miss talking to her each and every day.

That was one of my saddest days
One of the saddest days of my life
I didn't want to say goodbye to her
I still wanted her here in my life.

It was a funeral of women
for as far as the eye could see
It was funeral of color
No black was worn or seen.

Your friends came dressed in their finery
You would have laughed if you could had seen
Crazy colors of hats and wacky clothes
The wildest combinations of color I had ever seen.

Hats and Boas and outlandish jewels
Feathers were everywhere
Your mother even had hired stretch Limos
to chauffeur us everywhere.

It was a celebration
of the life of a beloved friend
Every person, every woman that was in sight
Thought that you had been their Best Friend.

I miss you my friend
I miss you
I miss you every day
I miss having you in my life
I can't even begin to say in how many ways.

I think about you when I see a butterfly
I think about when it rains
I think about when I am sad and cry
I think about you when I hear laughter
I'll miss you until the day I die
I hope to see you in the ever after.

Cancer came and took you away
It took you away from me
It wasn't fair or right
And I sit here and I still can't believe your gone
I sit here and miss you
On so many days and nights.

I wish that you were here to laugh with me
To laugh until we cried
I wish that you were here to talk too
About our daily lives.

I wish that you were here to commiserate
To inspire each each other in what we create
The way that we used to do
The way that most artists do.

I miss you
I miss you
I wish that you were here
Especially at the Holidays
Especially this time of year.

You were the one friend
The one true friend I've had
That again I may never have
I am so very grateful and thankful
For all the good times that we had
I cherish every moment
For all of those I am truly glad.

Every day I think of you
And how you have influenced my life
How you have made me a better person
How you have inspired and shaped my life.

And I know that each of those Women
Those women that were at your funeral to say Goodbye
Each and every one of those women
Feel the same way as I.

We all love you and we miss you
You were a best friend to each of us in your own way
Each of us thought that you were our best friend
And I know that forever each of us will remember you in that way.

*In memory of my most beloved friend Gemma Giannini who was an AMAZING Horse photographer. Cancer took away her away from me.

(January 5,2011 Wausau, Wisconsin)

(c) Copyright 2011 by Christine A Kysely, All Rights Reserved

Christine A Kysely

Christine A Kysely

Merrill, Wisconsin USA
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