A Jewish Right To Live In Sanctuary Israel? Poem by Terence George Craddock

A Jewish Right To Live In Sanctuary Israel?

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reviewing the boycott Israel lobby
are their hatred complaints justified?
are they righteous honest kind people?
or fanatic liberals deaf blind to truth?
are their actions balanced or extremely
dangerous with an exterminate Israel
agenda kill every Jewish man woman child?
this was past genocide Arab attack goal

to drive the Israelis into the sea to exterminate
in extreme hate racist belief their was no place
on this entire earth where a single surviving Jewish
man woman or child had a right to live in sanctuary!
even in Indonesia a male student at an International
school I taught at ranted this Hitler holocaust policy!

Terence George Craddock (Afterglows Echoes Of Starlight)
Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Monday, June 6, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: human rights,politics
Inspired by a video posted by Evan Joseph Cohn. Dedicated to all lovers of beauty peace freedom and justice. Split image from the poem 'Believers In Boycott Israel Lobby Reviewed', by the poet Terence George Craddock. Written in May 2016 on the 2.5.2016. Extracts from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, on the 'Boycotts of Israel' issue.Boycotts of Israel are the practice of avoiding economic, political and cultural ties with the State of Israel, with individual Israelis or with Israeli-based companies or organizations. Such campaigns are employed by those who oppose Israel's policies or actions in the belief that it directly funds a state that is widely believed to be in violation of international Human Rights laws (see Arab-Israeli conflict) . The primary purpose of this is to not show support for Israel in general, the Israeli economy or military in particular. Other reasons are due to a perceived sense of moral obligation to not be directly involved in the funding of a state that forcibly occupies land by systematic demolition of residencies followed by forced evictions.Many countries, corporations, unions and various other organisations world-wide have opted to boycott trade with Israel on the grounds of human rights violations. These include, but are not limited to, corporations and government bodies within The United States of America, The United Kingdom, Canada, Norway, South Africa, The Netherlands and The Republic of Ireland. Other notable boycotts on Israel were put into action by The European Union and The World Council of Churches.Following the independence of Israel in 1948, an official Arab boycott of Israel was promptly adopted by the Arab League. After the Oslo Peace Accords, the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) states ended their participation in the boycott.[2] In present days, the Arab boycott is rarely applied.[2]The Arab League boycott of Israel is an effort by Arab League member states enforce economic sanctions on Israel to prevent Arab states and to generally discourage support for Israel's occupation of, what were historically, Arab nations and adding to Israel's military and economic strength.[3]An official organized boycott was adopted by the Arab League in December 1945, before Israel's declaration as a modern state.[4]Egypt (1979) , the Palestinian Authority (1993) , and Jordan (1994) signed peace treaties or agreements that ended their participation in the boycott of Israel. Mauritania, which never applied the boycott, established diplomatic relations with Israel in 1999. Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia do not enforce the boycott.[2]In 1994, following the Oslo Peace Accords, the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) states, ended their participation in the Arab boycott against Israel.[5][unreliable source] The move prompted a surge of investment in Israel, and resulted in the initiation of joint cooperation projects between Israel and Arab countries.
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