A Letter To My Heart Poem by Shankaran Kutty

A Letter To My Heart

Listen to me
Dear heart, thou shall
In ways that you find
With rationale or not
Fill yourself
With all the melancholy
The world can find
Or carry me
In exuberance
To the peak of joy
Only to drop
Without a murmur
To the chasms of sorrow

You say you have
From when I was a tiny speck
Of life in the womb
Pumped into me
The nectar of life
Yet, when her sweet love
Did seek me out
Like the bee
Her sweet flower
You failed to see
Or feel that warmth
Of the tears she shed
On your denial

But the turpitude
Which you wanted then
To prevent somehow
Has failed to stop
The one you called
My love so true
To seek another
To leave you aching
My lungs gasping
Yet you still
Beat for her so true
In Eternal hope

Oh my heart
If her memories
In your treasure chest
Still causes the bleed
Then dear heart
Who am I
To stop that now
But pray be kind
Let it flow
In a torrent
Wiping those memories
Sending you and me
Into eternal bliss.

Saturday, July 25, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: heart,letter
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