A Life Well Lived Yet Songs Unsung Poem by grace mariner

A Life Well Lived Yet Songs Unsung

A spirit so strong it has woven a beautiful quilt.
We have all rested from life's labors under its delicate armor.
Life devoted to all but yourself.
I wonder, did you ever realize your own beauty?
It was blinding with its light, it seems impossible
that you could not see it...
but you didn't.
You nurtured generations with your love and charity.
Love never dies.
It changes in shape and form but continues its dance.
My heart feels almost too heavy to beat,
my soul crushed under the weight of my grief.
Where is my comfort? My quilt is gone.
Replaced now with lessons taught and love unending.
There is a tear in the fabric of this line of heroes, this lions pride.
A gentle hand, a loving heart has left us with her quiet
acceptance of the circle of time.
God you are so blessed to now have this beautiful star as part of your starry quilt!
I am envious of you.
But what is yours is rightfully yours and we thank you for sharing her with us.
Her love lives on,
Love never dies.
As we live, so she lives.
And as that circle never ends, we will meet again.
Grace Mariner

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