A Life Without Love Poem by Rachel Fogle

A Life Without Love

Rating: 4.6

A Sunset without a sun is no sunset at all.
A life without love is no life at all.
A rainbow without colors is no rainbow at all.
And heart without feelings is no human at all.

All these things need something to be,
Either a sun or a person or a crayon,
If only to create what nature said was meant to be.

A sunset makes us feel as though the world has been born again.
A life with love lets us know it's worth to let someone in.
A rainbow with colors thats a moment frozen in time, to be grateful for all that is beautiful and feel all the glory inside.
A heart that has feelings, well that would be me.
For I love just the thought of you and hope you feel the same for me.

Life without our love, is an emptiness I'm not sure I wish to face.
Because I know that time will never be able to erase.
I wish our love was as simple as a sunset, ready to be born again.
But I know in truth love only comes from within.
So I'll keep watching for my sunset, and looking for that rainbow to shine someday.
Then one day maybe our love will find its way again.

Bill Grace 14 March 2021

enjoyed it - you know elizabeth barrett browning's. How Do I Love Thee.?

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Kim Barney 16 November 2015

Very lovely poem, Rachel. Well done.

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Eyan Desir 02 February 2009

this, poem is beautiful, so soft and sweet

11 7 Reply
Kimberly Heater 20 January 2007

I love this poem. Its a lot of what i can relate to. Good work. =]

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