A Love Fog Slips Through The City Poem by Grant House

A Love Fog Slips Through The City

The people sleep
A love fog slips through the city
Neighborhood by neighborhood
Street by street
Silently insinuating itself into every bedroom, warren, and den
And then
Sweet dreams abound
Dreams filled with romance
Soaring dreams of freedom
Precious dreams of peace
Joyful childlike exhuberance dreams
Kindness dreams
Forgiveness dreams
Even dreams where forests of longing for lost loved ones open up to expansive meadows of reunion, homecoming, and our most treasured memories of home
In the morning
Who knows what will happen
When we wake
Shake off the night dust
Unsteady with uncertainty
Leaning in the direction of wonder
As we head out on our newest everyday adventure
What will we see with our new eyes
Who shall we be now that we have been given a fresh start
The second chance we've been hoping for
The calm recognition that we are not alone
A love fog creeps in through the window
Under the door
Into our innermost self in dreamtime
What marvelous magical me
Might wake up into that possibility
What about you
What might you do
In this fine opening where anything is possible
Doors and windows flung aside
Walls and barriers crumbling
The world at your feet saying
How may I assist you
How about we answer one by one and all together like a resounding shout
Let's have our sweet dreams come true!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: awakening,dream time,dreaming,dreams
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