A Love Held Dear Poem by Patrick Oswald

A Love Held Dear

Rating: 4.3

She was wild and stuck behind her face

Wondering how she got to this place

The past is hurt to come

No strength, the future is done

What will come of her there is no hope

Her hurt is her new dope

I can't help there is no fight

She won't let me see her through the night

The chisel had dropped from my hand

She saw through my best plan

Why keep going, why keep on

I feel like a left over pawn

For years I tried for years I failed

Like the coffin has been nailed

Did I try or did I fail

It was not for me to bring her from hell

That could be the hardest to see

What she did not need from me

I guess I have been put in my place

Having a truth sealed on my face

I love her, I love her so

She is the one who is in the know

The end is not here, her biggest fear

I will be left to hold her near

Greenwolfe 1962 18 August 2008

I cannot recommend this poem because it is just vague enough in either its purpose or its meaning that there is little in this poem to touch the readers. The readers are searching for both purpose and meaning. You can argue that the purpose is achieved, but in doing so there is no meaning. You may argue that a meaning resides here, but a meaning without a purpose leaves this a valueless prose write. GW62

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Saint Cynosure 18 August 2008

Welcome to poem hunter, this appears to very pretty good for your first work...

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Michael McCall 18 August 2008

You ask me to read your poem. I am assuming you wanted my opinion on it. Like the subject, the continuity is good through out the poem. Creative. (Positive feed back) However, I do feel very much that you forced many of the rhymes. The beat or rhythm of the poem seemed strained as well. There are a number of examples of this, for one 'The chisel had dropped from my hand/She saw through my best plan' also 'I love her, I love her so/She is the one who is in the know' the latter one is especially bad. It really feels like you didn't have patients with the last couple of lines. 'She is the one who is in the know'- what does this have to do with the poem. I feel like the poem lost impact with those type of rhymes. (Negative Feed back) These are only my opinions, you will find other comments (the two ahead of me for example) from people who loved it. Just didn't work for me. If it worked for you that is really all you can hope for. Keep writing, I see that you have vision, now just execute!

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Asia Joseph 18 August 2008

that was nice, it is very painful to have to love someone that dosen't love in return> pls read mine.. i feel ya

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Pied Piper Berry 16 August 2008

I love your poem it is beautiful and a grend piece of work

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