A Maladroit Art Submission Poem by Alexandre Nodopaka

A Maladroit Art Submission

A few weeks ago I submitted a series of artworks in which
Malevich and I collaborated.

Soon I received a letter rejecting my proposal
and here I quote verbatim that on behalf
of the UReCA Peer Review Board
we thank you for your submission
to our Journal of Undergraduate
Research and Creative Activity.

The UReCA team has carefully reviewed your work
(Colluding with Malevitch turning over in his grave)
however we cannot offer your submission
publication in our journal at this time.

etc. etc. followed by extra ignominious suggestions
I didn't care about.

Unabashedly I responded.

Dear So and So,
Kazimir didn't mind the rejection.
He turned over on his other side & said
Try my pimply plane squarely.

Now look! I agreed with him
that maybe they'd rather see
his pustulant side.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: archiving
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