A Monster In The Closet. Poem by John KENT

A Monster In The Closet.

Rating: 2.8

There's a monster in my house

it lives inside my room,

it hides away from light of day

and comes out in the gloom.

My mother says it isn't real

my father rolls his eyes,

I think he thinks I'm just a kid

who tells too many lies.

They both think that I'm crazy

they both think I am nuts,

they cannot seem to understand

he wants to eat my guts.

It lives inside my closet

and comes out late at night,

- which really is annoying

as it gives me quite a fright.

Often when I'm trying to sleep

I hear the closet door,

and then I hear his monster feet

'click-clack' 'cross the floor.

I squeeze my eyes so very tight

pretend that I'm asleep,

but then I feel his slimy lips

press against my cheek.

Often he will use his claws

and softly scratch my head,

but I think he's just checking

to see if I am dead.

Yes, there's a monster in my house

of this I am quite sure,

it lives inside my bedroom

behind my closet door,

and even though I'm really scared

I sometimes feel quite brave,

but that's because he sometimes smells

like my daddy's aftershave!


Saturday, September 2, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Vicky Iliaens 03 September 2017

A poet writing with its feelings again, loved it! You have a great view in this writing, its as if the words came out by themselfs right? could just feel this one, so yes pleased to see more toprate, greets

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