A Morning's Fear Poem by Achim Wollscheid

A Morning's Fear

Why do I have this fear,
Like ice melting in my head?
Too many times, I’ve checked the room
And saw that nothing was there,
But I feel another's being;
I know I heard a sound.
And I would hate to be a coward
Because some people, they look at me
And follow my every move,
But they cannot see me when I’m “asleep”.
Everyday when the sun sets I hide my eyes,
Beneath the covers I find comfort until…
The sun eventually comes to rise.
If the sun is gone too long, I might die
Underneath blue blankets,
With fear like ice melting in my head.
They really want to know why I’m so restless! ?
It’s because I hate new days;
With new days there are always new joys,
There are always new pains,
And I’m honestly afraid of new things.
That’s why I live through night hours
And withdraw from the day.
When the world brings me experience
I cower away.
It’s been a cycle, but now I’m truly sick.
I might vanish completely if I continue like this.

Prince Obed de la Cruz 10 June 2010

but strength be revealed to you my poet friend... vanish not... the world needs us...

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