A Mother's Love Poem by Dr. Ginny C. Wilson

A Mother's Love

Rating: 4.8

There is not words to describe a mother’s love.
It is something special that comes from above. You feel it as a little girl when she combs your hair.
It is just something that you know is there. You may be naughty or even get caught telling lies.
But you still see the love when you look in mother’s eyes. Her love is something you see without even looking.
You can even taste it in her homemade cooking. A mother’s love can be felt when she quietly slips into your room.
Or you may be reminded of it when you smell a certain perfume. You can hear her love when she says " baby I love you."
And just by the look on her face you know that it is true. You can feel her love when she touches your face.
For her you know you will always hold a special place. There may be so many things in this world that you doubt.
But a mother’s love is something hard to live without. A mother’s love is something that is just there.
For there is nothing else that you can compare.

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Dr. Ginny C. Wilson

Dr. Ginny C. Wilson

Highland Home, AL, USA
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