A Relationship Divine (At One With God) Poem by Theodora (Theo) Onken

A Relationship Divine (At One With God)

Rating: 5.0

Beyond the grace of my own salvation...
Past the benediction in days of yore- - -
I find myself, in thankfulness, kneeling
Consecrated to God, forevermore.

It is an intimate relationship, most blessed...
Attended by Angels of a most delicate of wing
With a background chanting of the sweet Psalms
The songs my God loves to sing.

It is now a Holy baptism of faith...
Made sacred by the communion of this day
Receiving the body and blood of my Savior
At His altar, i begin to pray.

Giving thanks to He who leads me...
Thanking HIM for HIS most 'divine light'
The Shepherd of my lifetime - is always with me
Saving me, from the wretched creatures of the night.

Thank you my sweet Lord, thank you...
For walking this unsteady journey with me
And for the Guardian Angels that are always close
For opening my blind eyes - to clearly see.

By, Theodora Onken

I was inspired by Gods Grace and Salvation


By, Theodora Onken

January 31,2014

Dedicated To God
To My Guardian Angels
To My Mother & Father
To My Husband
To My Son & Daughter - In - Law
Theodora Onken 08 March 2014

Orlando, thank you so very much for your wonderful words!

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Theodora Onken 08 March 2014

Orlando, thank you so very much for your wonderful words!

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Theodora Onken 08 March 2014

Brian, thank you so very much for your kind words. Am so sorry that it has taken me so long to thank you! Your comments are so very much appreciated!

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Orlando Rodriguez Jr. 14 February 2014

Poems of divinity have always inspired me. I loved the poem, by the way.

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Brian Johnston 09 February 2014

To have experienced God's grace personally is certainly a life changing event we both share. Why some are given this gift and others struggle so hard and never seem to find it is certainly one of the mysteries of my faith and one I will have to add now to my own poem 'So Many Questions.' (Thanks for the idea for another new stanza to the poem that never ends!) To your already clearly blessed life let me simply add my 'Amen.'

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