A Simple Stitch Poem by Gayle M. Sunshine O Maize Water Nora Shoshone Doherty Winchester, story song Glen A, Sweeney +

A Simple Stitch

Rating: 5.0

What a simple stitch
The sign of the cross is -
To sew and mend care worn hearts.
What a jewel this day is - I have
A photograph of daisies
And purple lupines by a roadside at the ocean.
Where the sun is dancing amoung the flowers and
Not yielding!

With the NHDOT I got a wildflower site after writing for about 15 years for one for this particular spot. Paul my brother says 'Nothings over' and my father did not like quitters RIP Dad.. Wildflower site location = Rt 101 Hampton Beach NH by the tidal marsh river. The seed came from American Meadows and the flowers were a mix as I remember at first and then reseeded with purple lupines and daisies... there was an article in the Hampton Union about the adventure. Years later I joined the Hampton Beach Beautification Committee. I was going north on Rt 1A going into the beach - Hampton Beach and I saw a woman planting at a spot that was concrete at one time in the middle of the road. I told my mother who was driving to pull over and I got out to see what this woman was all about about - taking care of flowers. That is how I met Linda Gebhart and she makes beautiful art.....Orange Song and CREC Need to study orange, corn, and chocolate and varieties in the past all foods....I sent in my pith findings thru my poetry collection here to Tom Davis UNH, John Davis CREC and many years ago my pith findings I found to USC Davis....not doctors at Beverly Hospital Leland Unit June July 2024 Guryanova, Choice Judge Chapman no doctor or judge and i never met him, Leverett (sp?)

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