A Stone Poem by Kira Nowick

A Stone

I am a stone.

Though I am a solid there is more to me then just what I am,
And, although you may not know, I change rather a lot
Even though you may not see it.

If someone is sad I become sad,
If someone is happy I become happy,
If someone is angry I too become angry,
But only inside,
For I am a stone
And stones do not change fully change,
Or at least,
Not very easily.

But though I am stone
And I may seem strong,
The ocean of time still washes over me.
And the sand
That has smoothed my surface,
So I may become without flaws,
Also wears me away slowly
And someday I will be gone.

But there is more
To stone still.
You see stones,
Though they may not seem alive,
They feel too.
What they feel though
Comes from others
So, in a sense, without anything to surround them
They would be nothing more
Then cold rock.

To change a stone it isn't that hard,
Just picking it off the ground can change it in some way.
When it's in your hand though you have a choice;
You can either keep it
Or throw it to the ground,
Were it can fall
And shatter.

So in many ways a stone
Is like a heart:

It can be strong,
it can be weak,
it can be simple,
it can be complex,
it can be warm,
it can be cold,
it can be broken,
and it can be fixed,
but it all depends
on what is around it.

So the next time
You pick up a stone
Think of this-

Would you want your heart
Tossed into the ocean carelessly
Were it would sink to the bottom
And stay in the cold dark depths
Were it may never be found,
Or would you want who ever picked it up to
Hold it tightly,
So that there would be no chance it would fall,
And then press it to their heart
So that it too would begin to warm?
For in this life we go threw so much and just about everything affects us,
for we all came from Earth and were stone,
and we can not live without the warmth of another
Or we would fad away back into the Earth
we were made from.
For that is what real life is, the mystical force that makes everything alive,

Valerie Dohren 11 March 2012

I love the philosophy here - great insight from one so young. Well done.

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