A Story Of Two Hoping To Come True! ! Poem by Sneha Celine

A Story Of Two Hoping To Come True! !

I dreamt a story of two,
And hope it comes true.
This moment I'll never want to miss,
And the story goes like this.
There was a girl, and in her house,
Plans were made to get her a spouse.
But in her heart dwelt her loves name,
But she never knew whether he felt the same.
Having in her mind this doubt
And wasn't able to speak it out.
She often used to think of him,
And bring many tears in.
She often used to dream of a day,
Where she could go to him and say;
What was in her heart,
So he never went apart.
She also thinks to shop her cry,
Give him a last kiss and die.
Because never will he be hears,
Why this life with tears?
She thought to give it a go,
And if it fails live a life no more.
But then it was too late,
The next day was a new fate.
It was the day with the groom,
About which the house spoke and she heard.
She decided to tell him everything
And have a reject for the wedding.
And finally the day arouse,
The time came close
To talk to her groom and tell,
That once in love she fell.
Than too with another guy
Giving out her last sigh.
Alas! The time had come,
Where she was just totally dumb.
She did not see his face,
As she knew she had to face disgrace.
They walked together in the garden,
She took time to get her heart harden.
To tell him the truth
About her and her suit.
They stopped at a place,
And she looked at his face.
She took a long breath,
Her eyes opened wide;
She was surprised to see
That the one she longed for stood beside.
She confessed to him about her love,
And that she was surprised to see him now.
She was shocked to see him say;
That he too loved her the same way.
He then ran to her father,
And said 'I am marrying your daughter'
The day had come when her dreams came true,
They got married and everyone knew
Their true story of secret love.
They were a lucky couple and so are only few.
At last the story ends;
But their life of love had just begun.

Thursday, October 16, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love
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