A Taken Life Poem by Jimmy Sharpe

A Taken Life

</>He doesn’t think
No thoughts arise in his blackened mind
Only those of unspeakable things
Only conceivable by men with no soul or conscious
Men like him
And of these unspeakable things he acts out
On women like you
With soul and conscious alike
He steals them away
He thrives on the souls of others
For he has none his own
With his around your neck
Thinking these thoughts as your mind drifts
Starts drifting away
Into another land
It seems more peaceful there
But not whilst you’re screaming
Screaming, wanting for it to be over
Even if it meant you were gone
The pain, oh the pain
Forever lasting
Never going away
He retreats his cold hands away from your throat
Still knees on your swollen arms you can’t move
Pulls a blade from his waist pocket
You don’t see
Eyes are closed, whimpering in fear
Longing, wishing, the pain to be over
He drags the blade across your face,
Light cuts, you feel the blood trickle down your face
Crying now, tears mixing with blood,
He laughs
A final blow
He grunts as he pulls the blade deep in your neck
Your body goes limp as you stop fighting
Your eyes stop seeing
And your ears stop hearing
Yet you can move
But not your body,
A new body
You watch him as he gets up and walks away
He for the door,
And you for the light

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