A Tale Of Goodwill.... Poem by Samima ShahFaheem

A Tale Of Goodwill....

A family of four; parents, two sons;
Charlie the elder, young was Harrison.

Every blessing of World ' imagine,
Father provided keenly in abundant fashion.

But something tormented him from inside,
Peeled his flesh n blood, was Charlie (his son) his pride.

Dearest to him, was the upshot of his dreams;
But seemed aloof & angry with demands in extreme.

A connection suggested (father) to be friends with sons;
Will be on losing end, this gap is grave concern.

Thought of intervention towards younger son,
Forbade him to imitate, the child was Harrison.

One day he asked the younger one:
Spare sometime my dear son

Some interests to relate, define & renew
Share mundanely matters, or when u feel blue.

Feel free to tell me secrets, I am your friend
And father felt feather light, thought relations all mend.

That Young soul took advice by heart.
Green & unfledged, thought a friendly start.

But what to talk or tell, nothing came to mind;
Next day after school, Harrison skipped his play time,

And waited for his father's to come from work.
Sat along him, questioned nonsense irks.

Father answered few, but wasn't in a mood
Conversation was at sea, matters very crude.

Next day waited again
But still no hope, not much gain.

Without any clue started same discussion,
Pointless it was, knew result was concussion.

Never called for, two days in stack
Goodwill once volunteered, but hope taking aback.

Still with spirits though not very high,
Son waited third day, to meet his big guy.

Same clueless questions he had;
But Answer this time, hit deep and sad.

"Why too inquisitive & interrogative with me,
I am your father, not a proven guilty".

Son stood baffled, what to say ….
But friendship was confident enough to sneak away.

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