A Testimony Poem by Donna Lee Womack

A Testimony

How do I thank Him, there's so much to say,
I guess I will do it in my own special way.
I struggled to give my words in this way;
I didn't want to disappoint my God on this day.
So here I am, giving word unto Him,
the I AM, Beginning, and even the End.

Giving honor to God wherein it is due,
to a Pastor and First Lady who is within Christ too.
I thank God for my life,
My family in Christ,
My home...and most of all,
Jesus paying my price.
I give thanks to my faith...without it I can't see;
My future in it... gives prosperity.
I thank God for keeping me,
all through each night;
Keeping me healthy and strong to walk right.
The love He instilled in my heart to feel might;
Rest O My Soul; so this flesh will not fight.

I thank God for my trials; A time to take heed,
To have a Pastor who cares, and knows what I need.
God gives him wisdom to help me see,
and corrects my path so I won't destroy me.

I thank God for stopping me when I knew I was wrong;
I didn't run from my Lord; or escape to Hong Kong.
I thank God for a job; without one would be worse;
My sins and transgressions I must show remorse.
How many more thanks, it's my list out the cage;
A testimony due in this time and age.

Thank you Lord for showing me;
Thank you Lord; You've set me free;
Thank you Lord for authority;
Opening this door for my testimony.
I wish peace in your house, and to all in love,
because witnessing is definately beyond and above.
In meeting my goals from day to day,
In my full poem to Jesus I say:
Above most I give honor where it is due,
To wish a testimony upon readers too;
Our Lord and Savior we cannot deny;
Someone else please stand and testify.

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