A Young Woman Of Honour Poem by Francis Duggan

A Young Woman Of Honour

By choice she is a vegetarian she does not eat fish or eat meat
Yet she looks quite happy and healthy though vegetables she only does eat
A beautiful and brave young woman for good causes she is prepared to fight
She believes that every air breathing life form to die of old age has the right
In every anti war parade she is marching and on human rights she does speak out
A moral and intelligent young woman she knows what she is on about
A dark haired brown eyed beauty in her mid twenties yet down to earth and free of conceit
An intelligent person to talk to and as nice as one could wish to meet
No doubt a young woman of honour, compassionate, honest and kind
I look upon her as a hero she is not scared to speak her mind
She is anti war and anti racism and opposed to all forms of cruelty
If everyone were only like her what a wonderful World it would be
She speaks out for what she believes in and good causes she only embrace
A credit to the town she lives in and a credit to the human race.

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