A Zombie On The Move Poem by Kennedy Mawirah

A Zombie On The Move

Am a destiny shaker, a zombie on the move,
Got a journey, a long one with no destination,
Make mistakes and learn from them,
Up and down i will struggle,
Alive out side, inside am dying,
A fatal blow to my already wounded frail body,
Paths i follow are all wrong turns,
Living wrong days that seem so long,
Moving right hoping to be right,
But end up left on the left,
I write songs in poems,
Twist words to poetry,
But still, am not yet done,
My race is a struggle in the paths of Goodness and whats bad
Try me out,
Try making sense out of nonsense,
Try being you when you are already you,
Try fitting in my shoes, get the puzzle,
My life aint a glorious ceremony,
Just a big painful memory,
Stay back and watch me complete this,
Complete my journey with no destination.
Watch me try making sense out of nonsense,
Coz that's who i am in my journey,
My Destiny Shaker, Me a zombie of Destiny,
Fate will never be fair if you aint fair,
Try a fair life and shake your own destiny.
But right now, just stay back and watch me.
A Zombie on the Move.

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