Absolutely An Apology Poem by jassy galacio

Absolutely An Apology

Even love is in need of a holiday
Sometimes we need to be far away
Each and everyday
Has its own story to portray

Hold me now, touch me now
Can you please accept this vow?
I may not know by what and how
However, please can you allow?

I really want to say this
However, all I do is just reminisce
You know how hard this may seem
Now I am but leading downstream

All I need is this one thing
However, what would it bring?
I will just say this and cling
I am sorry for everything

I want you near me
I want you to hear me
Please believe me
I am sorry for of all of this

I've caused you so much pain
I've caused you too much strain
All I ask of you can we remain?
If you'll go away, I may get insane

I believe you know
That I don't want you to go
Please let everything be like a shadow
Just in the past of a long time ago

This is our story
This is one of the sad memories
Please forgive me to the nth degree
I will not do anything again to displease

This may not be the time to forgive me
You can even go away without me
I believe time will let you to be with me
Once again, I will wait for it definitely

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