Adrift Poem by Kayode Are


Home is not where my heart is
Trawler of highways and motels
Fishing the spark of an amorous smile
Straddling waves to catch echoes of love

Home is not where my cradle is
Mantra of sages from diverse shores
Logic insane in cities and rural spreads
Tales from the beads my mother wore

Home is not where my soul is
Sailing on dreams and hopes unfulfilled
Fighting new worries and inherited doubts
Mastering lost causes to protect growth

Home is not where my mind is
To feel the absence of love and not crave
To ride fleeting ideas and not break
To feel the blight of age and not cringe

Home is not where my spine is
Where calm soothes sore and bruise
Where spurs lift burden off a bent frame
Where purpose keep effort in bloom

Home is not where my spirit is
In the ether searching things unknown
In strange lands toasting elegance
In town seeking vitality in exciting action

Home is not where my treasure is
Cajoling brutes to share in wealth
Prying fortune from the odds of chance
Hedging stakes on flighty gamble

Home is not where my heart is
It is in the company of those who care
In the strength of my ancestral shield
In the comfort of my discerning soul

Friday, April 28, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: reflections
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