Agnes Brown. A 21st Century Tale Of Woe. Poem by Miki Byrne

Agnes Brown. A 21st Century Tale Of Woe.

Agnes Brown looked back. Viewed the pages of her
Long, well-thumbed life. It was the same old
story and as she neared the end she realized that
any wands that may have been waved had drooped
and failed. Her Fairy Godmother must have had
an accident because she never arrived, although

many years were passed in waiting. The prince who
once found Agnes was not charming and he had left
well before midnight. She always had two shoes that
rubbed her heels. Serviceable brogues. Glass slippers
were not Agnes's style. She had made many wishes,

none had come true, though someone had cast
a spell at some point for she was slowly transmuted
into a crone. Her wishing well ran dry very early and
her broom had done nothing more than sweep.
No helpful elves ever appeared at stroke of midnight,
She never saw a Unicorn or a golden egg.

When she bought pumpkin it was just for
soup and her beanstalks produced only beans. As she
embraced the cruel trappings of age and loneliness,
Agnes Brown could tell you, without hesitation, that life
is not a fairy-tale.

Friday, December 5, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: fairy tales
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