Al Literational Poem by Al. McCartan

Al Literational


Llucy Llynda Lliza Lloyd.
Just loved the letter L
She'd always add an extra one.
In words like tell or bell

Of all the words with letter L
Like Larry, lump or lolly.
Llucy Llynda Lliza Lloyd
Would add one more, by golly.

Her dad was Len, her mum, Lorraine,
Her siblings Luke and Laura.
She had an uncle, Larry Lee
And an Auntie named Lenora.

She lived in an L-shaped house.
In Llanarth, New South Wales.
Her best friend's name was Lesley
Whose surname was plain, Hailes.

Her teacher, she was Mrs. Lang
Her mum and dad she'd tell,
That Llucy Llynda Lliza Lloyd
Just simply loved to spell.

She knew her history, that was clear
Geography was a breeze.
Of math or science she had no fear.
Took biology with ease.

When it came to English
Especially English grammar
She'd parse a sentence up and down.
Quote poems without a stammer.

With Adverbs, nouns and adjectives,
our Llucy loved ‘em all.
She knew her Eng lit backwards
And poetry was a ball.
But spelling was her forte
She’d practice day and night
And if the word were full of L’s
She’d scream out with delight.

But little girls grow older
And time it will not tarry
Llucy Llynda Lliza Llloyd
Eventually did marry.

Though married she still loved to spell
She’s now in seventh heaven
You see, her husband’s name is Will
Llangwyth Llewis Llewellen


© al mccartan 2002

Friday, November 20, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: humorous
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