All Have Sinned Poem by Gary James Smith

All Have Sinned

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All Have Sinned

There's none of us above another
When it comes to God
For every individual
Has life that's in the blood
And that's why Christ's blood was shed
And poured out for our sin
For He alone was virgin born
And had no sin in Him

God's sacrifice was to be to perfection
If it was to be used at all
No blemish to be found whatsoever
That was our Maker's call
For Holy...Holy... Holy
Is our glorious God
To the law and to the letter
Was His grace to be understood

Praise God our perfect Sacrifice
Was in Jesus Christ God's Son
Who willing left His home in Heaven
To die for the sins of men
God was well pleased in that act
And raised Him from the dead
Thereby offering so great a Salvation
Through Him our living Head

Thar you and I are sinner's sir
You know you cannot deny
Your very own heart will condemn you
If you say that that's a lie
Well I've a marvelous message to share
That can put you alright with God
Repent of your sin and turn to Him
Or experience His chastening Rod!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

CopyrightJuly 2020201: 44 AM

Gary James Smith

Monday, July 20, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Kumarmani Mahakul 20 July 2020

" God's sacrifice was to be to perfection If it was to be used at all.." God purifies us and we feel his effective cooperation. God is great ever. This poem is very interestingly penned.

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Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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