All Roads Lead To Aurora Poem by Jay Bradley

All Roads Lead To Aurora

Green flash chimes freedom on the birthday of my ancient nearby fires,
She comes down to welcome me alone and to behold the love I gleam,
Lo, she fears my counsel to bear witness though I feel her mighty grace always,
That although this grain rests all eternal, I see, and all roads lead to Aurora;

Pagan chimes flash by the witching hour, Osiris listens as the good ear hears only wisdom,
The mirror speaks a truth that the grand mouth can only but hint at whisper,
Tilted crossroads mark the heavenly city, the mystery, the flight of Atlantis,
I hope that no vision becomes found twenty/twenty, I fear, and all roads lead to Aurora;

In El Paso, my mother's blood screams for salvation in the land of the forgotten victims,
That bullets, long and mystic, continue to haunt the war land of Alamo woes,
So that I grasp the handle when it slides between my brittle fingers at midnight,
When the time comes that I forget the message, I weep, and all roads lead to Aurora;

On the Road, I rekindle the lightness of words, but I shiver the great shift to come prior,
I ponder the myth passed through medium, and I smile at how far the seekers have seen,
But still the evidence I treasure most is the pirates booty, and I wonder what he really saw,
Could it be that the constellation be more than destination, I pray, and all roads lead to Aurora;

Through the lens I see clear so long, but yesterday the frame was obscured by our science,
Perhaps the Knights seek to store the same vessel, yet t'is a rose sweet by another name,
The shaman sings and drinks tea from a saucer, she speaks saintly though holds her tongue,
How crouching angels shudder the cryptic dawn, I dance, and all roads lead to Aurora,

The higher the ladder climbs, more so do I wish to ascend to Indian battlefields,
How many rungs matter not as the crow flies, the more missing as I slip I wish to mend,
I wish to dethrone the queen so as to witness the royal rock roll from grace, me Sisyphus,
That somehow the Chinese dragon and the Greek bull unite, I live, and all roads lead to Aurora,

I melt the stones so that they shine green, we push and mold the boulder to point at Sirius, too,
She grins and paws her mane while growling her mystery, I lash myself only to believe,
But my eyes don't deceive me ever sober, even when the chimes of freedom flash, they never halt 'till the end,
Still the best answers lend ever more questions, to err, I fly, and all roads lead to Aurora.

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Jay Bradley

Jay Bradley

Eschenbach in der Oberpfalz
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