An Alien Passed Us By Poem by alan brown

An Alien Passed Us By

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I look up to the stars at night
and sit and wonder why.
If we can't live on this forsaken world
why would others want to even try.

We hear of spaceships flying by
and saucers by the score.
But I can only wonder
if there were aliens
would they not want more.

Our earth is getting smaller
even as I speak.
As humans over populate
theirs four hundred in my street.

We live in crowds
like a hive of bees.
Never to comprehend
that if we live
like this much longer
The earth will surly end.

So if your looking down from space
don't land on our soft turf
As we cant live here all in peace
to save our little earth.

I saw a spaceship flying
as it seemed to pass us by.
They must have found another planet
that's safe in their minds eye.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: aliens
Kumarmani Mahakul 05 April 2018

Looking up to stars you have found aliens. As we cant live here all in peace to save our little earth. You wonderful poem motivates others with eagerness to see aliens. An amazing sharing is done here...10

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