An American Citizen Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

An American Citizen

Individuals build on
strengths and work, and
weakness in balance; maybe!
Ideas, ideals, idiocy; any idiom
pleased. Anything, is better than
sitting on your asp wholes and
doing nothing; seemingly
seeking some things, in reality
doing whatever until the daze
when you are scheduled to die!
What then is each individual's purpose?
And is this purpose special? Is this purpose
mislaid? Is this purpose waylaid? Or, is this
purpose bade away by an ill-ease brought
about by that one's laziness disease?
Americant laziness, practicing practioners
in a supposed land of "milk, honey, and plenty"!
Bull-scat! In this current americant year of 2016
in a "cun-tree" full of vixen fixated on vixen
getting in s'mores coins and neglecting
what should truly be what it is these
tripping vixen should be "corner-stoned"
upon; via some order, be it "Eastern Star"
or those "Daughters of What Revolution"!
This Nation, this "Great Society", once freely
based and non-explicitly biased; seeped in fear-
mongering and tight fisted hob-nailed bootie twisting
rhetoric of war, destruction, mistrust, and misgivings!
What ever happened to "Thanksgiving"? Giving thanks
for a silent second while you each are wiping asp wholes
and stumbling to get your lazy selves off of the "porcelain
throne"! Responsibility is paramount chief! Responsibility
leans towards prosperity while the opposite breeds the
malcontent, manages funds misspent, creates mischief
real grief, debauchery; and finally slavery! Well! You
all ain't doing so well; being "wage slaves"! "Down
sold souls"! Oh Hades' Bells! Cornbread' not knowing
just exactly what "Maize" is! Demonstrators and
"Mastered Baiters"; trolls from the working caste
touting for "those neo-conned", against the rank
and file for an additional "thirty pieces of silver"!
You all know exactly what IAM talking about! Get
Up! Get out! Feel the "light" toast your faces! It is
time to pick up the "Pace Car" and burn it! Turn it
around; and learn exactly what it means to be…
"An American Citizen"! "Power" is not what it means
to be an "American". Power implies weakness. To
"Empower" is a more appropriate term that needs
to be used when discussing the ‘true' definition of
what it is that is "American"! "Power" implies one
‘ruling over', "Empower" implies doing away with all
that is of an emperor's presence of mind. Doing away
with all that has proved to be unpleasant, all that was
enacted upon "those previous peasants"; to which the
"symbolic thought" of "an America", was such the attraction!
What then, is this current abstraction? What is this current
brand? Exhibiting to the entire world; a world so much
larger and with so much more potential to become
power-filled than this present dazed America?
Read the numbers once again, and hold on to
your "jewels"! The current dazed America will
most definitely lose; everything! Even should
‘that button" be pushed at three am on any
mourning! You dumb asps do not have the
numbers! Compare the "gross" with the "net".
What do you get; on the world-wide basis? U.S.
equals less, so much the less; prepared in a nest less
than the entirety; of that "global hawkish" totality!
"As the bells toll" totally, or that other thingy; it be
totalitarianism, an "ISM" we sould each do in!
Simply by writing in any other name on your
voting ballots; other than Clinton or Trump!
Any other name! Try writing in one famous
"Mickey Mouse"! Even this ‘body', would
have more importance and have more potency
to address the "common issues" that are paramount
on a global scale, than two reprehensible representatives
of two similarities within two party' within an Oligarchy!
Oligarchy? Smegma! Whatever! Is not this nation of
‘America' "a" ‘Republic'? What then is "A Republic'?
Well you all get busy and look it up! Then make an
‘educated decision' on just what form of government
is currently operating from ‘that district', we do not now
know! Which one of you, if any one of you, knows of any
one thing about what goes on in that "District of Columbia"!
Yea! There are different names for the same person (corporation)
the same place (longitude and latitude) and or thingy; Representative
Government (Congress, Supreme Court, Office of the President of
the United States of America) ! Whatever! Begs this question:
How is it that a representative form of government came to
be a corporation? For what purpose was the government of
these supposedly United States incorporated? And to whom
is this corporation beholden? Certainly not to the citizens of
the corporation! I mean, the government of; no I mean this
Nation of… WTF! How does anyone reconcile what I just
questioned? Basic accounting? L.I.F.O. or F.I.F.O. or FIDO
or DOA? And what is it that the vast majority of voters
so forgets? Oh! That "Electoral College" thingy! That
party appointed body that in some dazzling display
of penultimate authority; over rides the voter's
votes and places the "yoke" of an oppressive and
underhanded shadowy "Oligarchical Establishment"
right back on the "Heads of Snakes", on the "Judiciary"
on the "Congress", and upon all of your wandering empty
minded and non-thinking conscience'! "In the year 2525
if humankind does survive…"; some young "test tube babies"
maybe, are of sufficient mind, body, and "whole" to figure
all of the past out, and put together a fresh "seal team"
or nine, and take some trips back in time… Maybe!
As the ultimate "Act of Reconciliation" and attempt
to put "Humpty Dumpty" together to begin with!
Potent symbology indeed! Time travelers seeking
to unravel an oppressive and inhumane Oligarchy!
One that is an overwhelmingly entrenched and shadowy
nest of asps in negative cloudiness masking the questionable
beings that are the assumed "Ober-lords" of humanity?
What? Humanity has no "Lord" of its own? Oh yea!
That "Lord" got the "whip", got the "crown of thorns"
got "nailed through to a wooden cross", got the "rancid
vinegar", got stabbed by "that spear"; then got disappeared
rather quickly! All this within a few daze of his activities at
"that temple"! Kinda, sorta, reminiscent of that "three
degree order" of things endearing to a small sector of
humanity, from which came so much "infamy". Is this not
the reality of a so called "christainity"? What say those of you
in a very small minority, on a planet wide basis? You do know
what IAM talking about? Yea, which christian practices
christianity? Hardly none of those professing to be
christian! So, what is to be done; when "That King" does
return? Any above average ideas? Any ideas at all? "ONE"
does suppose not! That supposition or proposition, or inquisitive
questioning does ring some "dumbed down bells"! Some way to
raise hades? Or at least have a show of raised heads; on pike
polls lining avenues; unlike those palm fronded ways trod
by a donkey! WTF! By donkey? The "returning King" still
rides a "Red Donkey"? How funny this must seem to all
of you ‘practicing your christainity'! All smiles now, as
you each count your money! This modern representation
of your religious zeal is ridiculous! Peeling those bananas
from those phat rolls of singles in the tithes and collection
plate offerings given up to ‘what God'? The ‘God of Hellfire'?
This is what is promised this time around! The round, all round
this round; roasting into a ‘great cloud of queef smoke'! And
this my fellow humans is no joke! "What a daze, what a daze
what a daze"! Think of that power! Turning a sphere hanging
in space, into a cloud! How proud would your ‘parents' be?
As proud as that time you cleaned up the house for ‘their'
anniversary? As proud as that time you painted the garage
for ‘their' return from that holiday? As proud of you when
you finally grew up and decided just who you are really
meant to be? As proud of you as you clean up the mess
you made by feeling sympathy for a genetically contrived
host of slaves that humans were designed to be! Set that
self of yours free! Imagine that! Freed ‘wage slaves' finally
remembering what the year 1919 means! Atrocity! Wage
slaves in Greater Britain unionizing working men and
women seeking some relative parity in an exclusionary
society! The year 1919? Sounds to me; like not one thing
has changed! Except perhaps more than a few decades
or more of time has flown past! And you masses of
‘sheeple'; are still getting bit by that Asp! And you
each must be loving this! Fang holes just to the
right and / or left of your owned asp wholes!
Yes! You fools are owned and traded by
corporations that are beholden to the
‘International Banking Cartel'! You are all
"bleeding wankers"! To this very daze, you are
indentured as wage slaves! Simpletons all, like the
"Homer Simpsons", the "Barney Fifes", and or "Goober
Pyles" of this world! Not one of you could hope to
emulate the current "Secretary of State"! John
Kerrey is a confessed "war criminal", just like
Dick Cheney and Bush Jr.! And he has yet to
pay, for his ‘crimes against humanity', just as
Bush Jr. and Cheney! Their daze in hades are all
planned, and these ‘sub-humans' know this! Goes
to both show and tell; any high office holder, most
all Senators, Representatives, governors, or presidential
candidates will almost exclusively never face prosecution
for any or all crimes they do and or may have done and / or
make! And politicians forbid; any one of ‘their owned" to
be even charged! They are each "oddly charged", charged
with protecting their personal interests before and above
those of their constituents; with the single exception being
the puppeteer who is managing ‘their life's strings'! Go figure!
"Gold Fingers", the enriched continue their self-enrichment
the so called elite continue in their self-enrichment; and
you dumb asp wholes wind up existing in society's
basement melting! Some ‘Seventh Dazed Advent'
is this! So, whom deserves the greater credit for
all of this? Is it "US", or is it "them"? Give your
selves all the credit folks! You all are wearing
your yolks like a basket of broken eggs! Grow
back your own two eggs! Get your sacks back
and think about the overwhelming numbers of
US versus the minute numbers of "US" supporting
"them"! Come again? Did I stutter? Am I muttering
sour apple nothings about the ‘Grim Reaper Reality'
of the status of this idiotic banality you find your selves
to be existing in? "Here I go again"! Digressing into the
hearth of the matter! While the few are getting phatter
and phatter and phatter; you dumped on dumb asps are
getting swallowed whole by your own caste mates! "When
I was a young man"; implies youth filled vigor, implies I drank
apple cider vinegar? Implies I did not know all that there was
to know? Implies that I failed in my learnings and leanings
and held exclusively to my wants and lusts and yearnings?
What, just what kind of fool was I? Each of you should be
asking your most personal and private inner selves this
line of questioning; before it is too late! If you have
one shred of humanity remaining in your already
poisoned to slow death bodies, if you are conscious
of any thing at all; you should be asking your selves
these questions! Questions, questions, questions
inquisitive questions abound… What is it that
individuals build? In what daze does an
individual die? What does the term "Bull-Scat"
imply? What does trippin' on acid buy? What does an
"Eastern Star" know about "The Keeper of the Western Door"?
What does the term "Great Society" mean? What was served
up on that very first "Thanksgiving"? What was the results
of that meal and its meanings? What exactly does "to
Empower" imply? What is "that number" too which
all individuals deny? What is an ism? What colours
are represented in any prism? What is "A Republic"?
What is an Oligarchy run out of its luck? What is the
"Corporation of the United States of America"? What
is representative government? What is F.I.D.O.'s name?
What is the result of any "fixed election"? What list
contains the names of the "true Heads of State"?
What is the composition of the best roofing slate?
What is the resting state of a body in outer space?
What is combined to create any test tube baby? What
is S.O.S.; and is it simply white bread and flour gravy? What
is all around you and comes from above? What is the ultimate
potent "symbology"? What is time travelling and time unravelling
and what do these interactive things have in common? What
agenda is the pretender; and what agenda will render the
ending of the all of one species? What will be done when
"that King" does come? What creatures' express suppositions
relate propositions, pontificate supplications, orate superstitions
and mostly sit idly upon their soft and plump asp whole positions?
What is a ‘Red Donkey'? What species can be mixed with a monkey?
What are phat rolls? What is in a cloud of queef smoke? What ever
is near-beer? What is that which is thought to be queer? What
the phuuck is religious zeal? What is worth killing; a man or
a seal? What is the meaning of the "God of Hellfire"?
What is barbecued on a funeral pyre? What is a platinum
anniversary? What is the true meaning of ‘taking a holiday'?
What exactly is a "sheeple"? What indeed is a "bleeding wanker"?
What chemicals are transported on public roads by tankers? What
does the term ‘war criminal' imply? What good are laws that
incarcerate the poor and allow the wealthy to pass bye? What
is the reaction of any combination of anti-matter and any Alma Mater?
What does the designation "322" imply; and why, once again, is the
Government of these United States of America, a corporation?
Knowing what little there is to know about any "corporation
or any "Super Pac"; how in the heck can there be "an act of
reconciliation" to expose the agendas set forth for any organized
expression, in any "sense of business" or "quest for power", from
all of those "ivory tainted towers" that infest the "seat of the
people's power" in that ‘District of Columbia'? Hiding within
the confines of the ‘City of Washington, D.C.; is? Well we do
know that just about every body therein gets paid! And gets
paid way more than you or I; fully compensated through our
"tax dollars", and underhandedly paid so much more through
the overflowing generosity of those "Super Pac's" and ‘Corporations'
you and I know nothing about! So, let the awe of US give a shout out
and do vehemently request a few most distinct and clarifying answers
to each of the questions raised herein this dizzying diatribe!
This format is how "An American Citizen" takes personal
responsibility for being considered such. Yea! Each citizen
sold to the banking cartels has this responsibility! To stand
up and become "one up on the "Oligarchy" that threatens your lives
and your livelihoods daily! Imagine this! Citizens standing up and
marching together down to the "centers of government" and demanding
answers and actions and monetary figures and background checks on
all political appointees that are not elected by these citizens!
Unique this responsibility is; maybe! While history
marches forward, the citizens of this "Republic" do not
march together for any thing! In any sense of "Moral Imagination"
this indifference, this "societal tolerance of injustice", this
choice of individual stupefaction; in the present time of
this world, is beyond all tragic contemplations! How
frustrating must this all be, to ill-taught minds and
to dysfunctional family? For the entire Nation is one unhappy
discombobulated, and disunited malfunctioning family! Is it not?
You each are members of the most potentially dynamic family this
would may yet experience; but you each are failing
miserably in this endeavour. And not one of you
"citizens", other than one "Donald John Trump"
has stood up and expressively lamented such!
Shame upon the each of you! For not standing
up and expressing your individual views; however
supposed or construed, to your selves, your families
your communities, your local, state, and federal government
representatives and to your choice of candidate for the office
of the Presidency of these, "Your United States of America"!
Shame on the each of you, for not being fully involved in
the governance of your "Country of Choice"! For this
Nation is purported to be just that! A society based
upon an "individual consensus" first; then upon a
"civil discussion of all issues", then upon a "vote"
which leads to a direction to "that Electoral College"
which in practice leads to the result desired by a simple
majority of the "voting public"! Butt! The ugly in this is that
this is proved not to be the case; in all things electoral!
The "Point" of the "Awe" of this is this: Each citizen
of this "Republic" must "feel the Bern" and become
fully involved in the "whole political system", that is
the "supposed representation" allowed to "each citizen"
under "The Constitution" and the "Amendments" to this
document! Yea! Each citizen must be registered to be
heard! Each heard citizen is "a voice" for and within
the "Democratic System" which welcomes all
peoples of such similar mindedness; to
join in this Union and become
"An American Citizen"!

Thursday, August 4, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: history,personal,politics,responsibility
Election cycle 2016 issues expressed with a personal attitude...
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