Ancient Thoughts Poem by Jeresi Katusime

Ancient Thoughts

Rating: 4.8

An abacus is all I need
to spell for your heart the words
I would like to tell it.
Chalk I will need too
to count and multiply
the lengths and breadth
of that which is boiling inside me.
love is the reason why
I find an orchestra in the falling rain
, and the stepping feet of my daughter
another manifestation
of how joy will come, right out
of you through the tiniest things.
Drop the question mark
Embrace the exclamation mark.
how I love I don’t know
, but that there is Jah above
and no mistake, accident or coincidence
comes garbed like you
makes you my carnival in the rain.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Khairul Ahsan 25 March 2016

Your Ancient Thoughts is a wonderful poem. Some lines are truly poetic, which I liked very much: 'love is the reason why I find an orchestra in the falling rain'. and.. 'Drop the question mark Embrace the exclamation mark.'

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Agatha Eliza 27 October 2015

How precious love it! Easy to be perceived, yet so hard to be described by words. Fascinating poem! 10 +++

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Jeresi Katusime 28 October 2015

Thanks Agatha for taking the time to read.

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