Angel Poem by Andrew Benton


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Above the torpid realm of Earth
a single angel flies-

Her beauty graces banks of clouds
and brightens empty skies.

And while the dawn distills the night
as cliffs retain the sea,
the lovely angel nears the light
and speaks a word to me:

“Ore yonder vale and hither moor
my wings have carried me—
lean close, my son, and hear the truth
which I reveal to thee:

‘A vast fair company once stood
within a horrid squall;
their hears were gay, their deeds were just,
and liberty their law.

The blessing of Almighty God
seemed destined to adorn,
this humble, gathered, noble host,
without defect or thorn.

Their courts were just foundations lain
on never-yielding stone;
full of sound, devoid of fury,
strongholds for the throne.

But into loving ensemble
the great deceiver seeped;
dispensing distrust, lies, and angst
such that no man should reep.

Around its proud foundations,
the country’s standards fell-
destines to irate decline,
to solitude,
to hell.’

Within your new and wholesome land
a destiny still lies-
to reach the stars, surpass the moon,
and gallop through the skies.

Yet while you have much cause for joy
around this hallowed ground,
you must stand firm upon the Rock
for peace yet to resound.

Keep fast the law, defend the truth,
and let not justice die—
if long you wish to live on Earth—
for now, my son, I fly.”

The lovely angel then took flight
upon her wings of gold—
empowered felt the humble youth:
strong, vivacious, bold.

And even as the angel soared
from sea to shining sea,
the young lad mounted to the stars,
unkept for wild glee.

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