Anticipating Eternal Worth Poem by Bob Gotti

Anticipating Eternal Worth

The times we live in aren’t that great, in which men can anticipate,
A renewing of all our prosperity, in these darkened times we see,
But we can purpose to be a light, to be God’s vessel in the night,
So Christ can shine through our life, when the darkness is so rife.

Hope for all men we may not see, as leaders rethink this society,
Ways matters are said and done, as the Word of God they shun,
While bringing confusion about, the many policies that they tout,
Indicating they shall bring relief, they just bring unmeasured grief.

If and when we’re given time, we must direct all to God’s Design,
Decrees not simply limited to, men who believe, like me and you,
But laws meant for every man, with none excluded from His Plan,
And all who shun the Word of God, will see judgment by His Rod.

But hope is found in Jesus Christ, for all those present in this life,
A true Hope which goes far above, the relief men today speak of,
And this is what we must point to, in the time we’re going through,
Hoping those being lead astray, will listen to what we have to say.

With Eternity ahead for everyone, we must point all to God’s Son,
Who will soon reign from Israel, not keeping man’s but God’s Will,
And from Jerusalem He will defeat, every leader moved by deceit,
While Christ brings upon this earth, an institution of Eternal Worth.

(Copyright ©08/2009)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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