Apartment Wall... Poem by Merlin Mwaura

Apartment Wall...

On my apartment wall, hangs the year's calendar...
reminding me how many days I have left,
see my birthday come an' go,
year after year while growing old...
losing pleasures for trivialities,
constantly looking out my window,
call it secret window,
see things move all along,
like life in simulation,
an order in ordination.

The apartment wall,
has the picture of my lady,
which I tried to paint once,
before forgetting how she looked once,
when she'd seen me shy once.

Room 5 apartment wall,
has some scratch marks...human nails ground,
against wall while a mourn form,
through room five apartment wall,
and woke neighbor with a growl,
his patience run out and eager crave...
while me an' Maiden sail,
on a boat into a gale.

Room 5 apartment wall,
has my finger prints on,
once when a random thought,
strayed the mind into ink,
an' drew things you can't believe...
On this apartment wall, ear pressed on the wall...
heard me stories an' funny sounds,
giggles an' little nothings.

Room 5 apartment,
palace of the street kings,
walls have ears they can say things,
what I have done,
what I have said...I will do
an' never do,
what i'll say...
an' never say.

My future scribbled on plaster,
of a room 5 Apartment wall.

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