Are We Ok Poem by veronica gonya

Are We Ok

sometimes i sit and wonder what this life is all about.
you wake up every morning and you try to do the best you can for you and your family.why are we here in the first place.
what is the purpose of us being here?
why is the so much suffering and heartache?
why is it that those who want to help the weak,
the hungry, the sick, orphans and widows
don't have the means.where are we losing the the plot as human beings.
are we so lost that we don't even care animore.
Are we so selfish that when we do help people in need we want our names to be remembered?
why is it that it's easy for me as a human being to hurt or kill another human? have our hearts turned into those of animals?
i mean i used to be scared of dogs,
but now i run to dogs when i see a human being in the dark.
is that the way we were brought in this world to live like?
what happened to compassion, love, mercy and tolerance?
am i the only one who still think every person has the right to a better life and has the right to live.
i picture a beautiful, peaceful world.
am i the only one who still loves the human race?
am i the only one who believes we all are related because we have the same blood and we love and hurt the the same?
tell me if i'm wrong.
but then even if i am i think i can live with myself
and be able to look myself in the mirror and say
'thank you God for the heart you've given me.

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veronica gonya

veronica gonya

south africa
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