Are You Having Fun? Poem by Long Tooth

Are You Having Fun?

Well, here we both sit on a poetry site.
Just wonder if you're having fun?
Though life can be boring, when 'pen' is in hand
I feel like a prospector born to the land.
You wonder just how that could be?
Let me share a little why it's true for me.

For one thing, I think of my brain as a claim
No scoundrel can steal in the night.
Most random digs offer up something to share,
New veins offer treasures beyond all compare.
It's blood, sweat, and tears all the way,
Remarkable words at the end of a day.

There's no useless effort as I understand,
It's really like farming you see.
A field that gets plowed is an unlikely waste
And character built by the problems you've faced.
While earth and man wait for God's gift,
His love's everlasting, His mercy is swift.

So stock up on paper the best that you can,
If gifted, you need to prepare,
The muse that He sends you won't wait for your call,
And when he appears? Lord, he gives it his all.
Don't worry should you feel confused,
When poetry owns you, you're never abused!

Long Tooth
April 6,2016

Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry,writing
Bri Edwards 05 September 2016

hey, i was JUST TALKING ABOUT HAVING FUN at the end of my comment on one of your BJ poems! ! ! Just wonder if you're having fun? ...............not yet, but i want to! New veins offer treasures beyond all compare. ............cute! who used this trio first? you or winston? ? ? :) ...........It's blood, sweat, and tears all the way, these two lines don't seem to fit together: A field that gets plowed is an unlikely waste And character built by the problems you've faced. His mercy is swift.............that's not what i recall being swift in God's life i like this. and someone is waiting to use the computer; her computer! time to adios, sort of. bri :)

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Abhinav Ashish 07 April 2016

Good poem and inspiring also

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