As The Rain Falls Poem by Justin Reamer

As The Rain Falls

The man walks through the wasteland,
Looking throughout with his eyes,
He had survived the Apocalypse,
Which along came a drought.
The bomb that hit the soil,
Descended from outer space,
Destroyed everything in its path,
As humanity was wiped from the Earth.
Yet, the man had survived,
And he was all alone,
And like Hamlet,
He fought for sanity,
Looking for other survivors.

The man looked all around,
Looking at the wasteland,
For the drought destroyed everything,
Leaving only a sandy desert.
The man saw nothing and no one
As he followed the lonesome road,
He just waited for someone,
For someone to show his face.
The man had on him
A gun, water, and a backpack,
And in his pack,
He carried his life support.
In his pack, he carried
Food, water, a revolver, a machete,
The Bible, the Works of Shakespeare,
The Catechism, a crucifix, a rosary,
Two pairs of clothes,
And an extra pair of hiking boots
To push him along his trek.

The man looked around,
Looking for a sign of anyone,
He continued his lonesome trek,
Without stopping for miles.
By the time he reached a tree,
The only living tree he found,
He sat beneath its shade,
Taking quite a resh.
His feet ached,
His head soaked with sweat,
His hands shook rapidly,
His legs ached with cramps,
His body full of fatigue,
He sat down and began to rest,
Looking up at the sky.

Clouds gathered before his eyes,
Turning the sky a deep grey,
Then the rain- the cleansing rain-
Began to fall for the first time.
The man got on his feet again,
And he washed away the stains,
The sand fell off his clothes,
And he smiled at the rebirth.

It had not rained for so long,
And life was back again,
But as the rain falls,
The man had company,
But when it stopped,
He would begin his trek again,
Searching and searching,
For any sign of humanity,
All by himself.

Justin Reamer

Justin Reamer

Holland, Michigan
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