Asymptomatic Poem by Michael Walkerjohn


"…infector / infectee
basic reproduction
estimates of the serial interval
transmission events an inside / outside trend
presymptomatic transmission for COVID-19 virus
is considerably lower than mean serial intervals for
severe acute respiratory syndrome, and for
Middle East respiratory syndrome.
The mean serial interval is slightly but not
significantly longer when the case is ‘imported, '
versus locally infected; but slightly shorter when
the secondary transmission occurs within the
household versus outside the household. A
susceptible person is likely to become infected
more quickly if they are surrounded by 2 infected
persons instead of 1. The considerable number of
reported asymptomatic transmission events is concerning…"
What is precisely within a virus? From the human point of
view? Is it nature's aggressive response for the hurt caused
by me and by you? Is within a virus many things, is within any
viruses too few? Is within this particular strain a clue at all
to what eventually it will surely do? It is suggested that within
all virus, hidden so well and deep within a storyboard of countless
lives and countless worlds and countless forms… all intermixed and
ever so slightly amiss with many the twists and turns… corrupted
strands of duplicitous DNA and an addition rouge of a somewhat
rogue RNA… but nothing too very specific other than a relation
of and to the human dna expressing a connection to everyone but
not specifically fatal to the all of humanity: this is simply
just not the ‘norm'! What characteristic then makes this
Covid 19 virus such a prolific killer of men? But then again
it is proving to be quite the adversary to both genders and to
the little offspring produced by same… Shamefully targeting
individuals with its ferocious weave and bob… throwing only
haymakers at the softest tissue in the lungs… among other
slightly less critical side effects especially should that
particular human have one or more serious previous indications
of some previously existing conditions that would eventually kill
the body anyways… But Hey! Herein is that similarity to some
previously faced and defeated human scourge… a snippet of this
contagion and a snippet of that contagion of something formed
previously through somewhat devious methodology perhaps deep away
from US in a dark and secret lab… or then again and maybe kinda
sorta so… In one of those brightly lit academic sets, you know
which ones are implied and you know whom gets to go inside/outside
on that full ride with a handshake and that little nod along with a
snickering lisp and that crackling laugh! SARS-CoV-2, the cause of
2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19)belong to the βcoronavirus
family, which also includes 2 other highly pathogenic human
coronaviruses, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Fever, cough, myalgia
and fatigue are the common symptoms of COVID-19 whereas expectoration
headache, hemoptysis, and diarrhea are relatively rare (3) .

Ya'll each know all about this one... or maybe not... what, you live under a rock?
Kumarmani Mahakul 03 April 2020

COVID-19 is suspected and this can infect anyone. The world is crying due to Corona Virus. We should be careful to fight against this virus. This poem is very thought provoking, sensitive and wonderfully written for bringing social awareness.

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Michael Walkerjohn 06 April 2020

I had a fine resounding and profound reply for you My Good Sir... A classic in itself... but these fools have made it impossible to be more than improbable in a better more humourous consciousness... This is the moment of this... " So sad, too bad, your DAD one... kinda, sorta, maybe so... Later Gator...

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