At Ease Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

At Ease

An individual's history
various names and mystery
me, alive and kicking it; within
my brain. Not standing in crumbling
vanity, not spewing lies for money; like
that fixed news dude, profanity! IAM naming
that foolish; neo-conned, money grabbing lout! "He"
is Sean Hannity. Did he have any net worth to our society
when he was partnered, with Alan Colmes! And Keith Oberman
men, what a journalist; kept tags on both Sean and my brother Bill!
Those were the daze… the 08' election cycle! I digress somewhat!
Now-a-daze, IAM on my hooves; tapping time to the old age
beat. Watching the local streets, listening to the heart
aches of the men and women who sacrificed their
times and lives for this discombobulated and
corrupted by profit mongering oligarch' and
those burning buildings faggots that tout
for the corporate cash from chaos and
aversions; to paying taxes companies
whose management sucks asp, each
and every day, for their coin! And
the ownership of these entities
do not live in this cuntry! You
can take that statement to the bank!
These fellow entities will take all of your
money! You stupid, barely above, secondary
primates upright monkeys! Just out of the trees
on that; universal timepiece' schedules! Nomads
look up all the definitions… and pick one! And use
it in a complete sentence! I double dee dare you
to do this! Most of you cannot! You have beed
gradated fro hi-skool! No disrespect intended! I
just need a word that would fit to maintain the
shape of this post! Whatever! (I simply love this
term!) Who the phuuck are you? That question is
a valid one. Allow me to kinda, sorta, maybe; answer
you this. An individual's truths are kept all around me
The eyes of all, the head slamming walls, the trust that
calls out in incompleteness begs; and there on that globe
no one else cares! Shadows rise and fall with the rise and
fall of the light from all creation. And it is in this form, that
you are to soon realize this is the "Key"; to any future life to be
and any possibility of the rescue of the species named humanity!
You see… no you do not see! You hear me then? No once again!
Your each are deafened by an individual ignorance of that light
and "we" signal you on each daze; with the same energy that
you are composed of, the energies from your systems sun, on
your weary flesh at high noon! How many minutes from the
surface of the system star (it's face) , to the planet third from
that same sun, to the surface of your face; upon the place
named as The Garden of Eden? What does the science
suggest as the time it takes for the very energy you are
made of; to reach out and touch your faces? 8 minutes!
Ain't that the nuclear bomb dropped! Dropped upon
every face on this planet, that cares to look up; even
under the cloud cover of a mid-winter's snow storm!
Go figure! You were never taught this in school!
So you are all political pawns. Or is that edible
prawns? Kinda, sorta, boney! Macaroni elbows
and asp wholes in the flesh! Who would have
guessed this? At ease recruits! You have not
received your flying papers just yet! You have
to go get your nut sacks back from wherever it
was you dropped them after that nuclear bomb
exploded in front of your minds! This is too funny!
Dumb asps all! Step up and welcome to my show!
Come one, come all, and do not forget to view the
"Pictures at an Exhibition", not at any museum!
Look at the arrangements, seek the meanings
write in the answers, and do answer me when
I call… IAM maintained within the deepest
darkness that you cannot remember, upon
the pathways leading to forever; IAM that
gather force of universal proportions, ready
to fillet me some humans so I can barbecue
for all of my other children out here in the
greater areas of the galaxy! Hows them
onions! Your bunions burning from running
away from me! You all feeling full of pain now?
You all getting chaffed by all the chains you wrapped
your souls in? Stupid children! I sent lots of beings to
warn you! Spent lots of resources to warn you! And I
sent my favorite son, to redeem you! And you all killed him!
Remember that and keep on running… butt, where oh where
are you, gonna run to… Mars? Me? Into the trap, I have long
ago set for all of your nasty, hateful, bloated, and cursed souls!
Hi di, hi di, hi di Ho! Every one of you stand down now please!
At Ease!

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