At 9: 36 P.M. Poem Hunter Blocks Information About Death Of Duke Employee J. Michael Cook, Duke Power, Duke Health, Duke Eye Clinic Poem by Dennis Ryan

At 9: 36 P.M. Poem Hunter Blocks Information About Death Of Duke Employee J. Michael Cook, Duke Power, Duke Health, Duke Eye Clinic

Rating: 5.0

Monday night, May 20,2024 at 9: 36 p.m., publication of information blocked; again at 9: 54 p.m. and 10: 22 p.m.

My hometown friend, J. Michael Cook, originally of Wellsville, New York, died under questionable circumstances in July 2021, circumstances that his widow, Gail Stillman Cook, also of Wellsville, New York, questions to this day as Mike was healthy as a horse at the time of his untimely death, riding his bike to work daily at the Duke University Flow Cytommetry Research Center On the Duke Medical Campus. Prior to Mike's death, his son, Kevin Stillman Cook, also died suddenly and under questionable circumstances in Durham, where Duke is located, at age 23 in 2009, his death proceeded by the accidental death of yet another young male family member while a patient in a hospital. The Cooks, chiefly J. Michael Cook, were complicit with the Durham Police in covert operations—a series of family car destructions/disabling in November-December of 1999-directed against me and other Ryan family members, and speculation is rife that Mike was 'gotten rid of'—not my words, but those of another Cook family member—to hide his past involvement with the Durham Police Department and the F.B.I. in those covert operations, the police 'being afraid that Mike would talk in the future, give testimony, evidence against the police should a court case ever happen, so better to shut him up now', again, the words of the same Cook family member, who, of course, will not be identified here as he/she risks the same kind of retribution dealt out to Mike. This Cook family member sums up the life-or-death situation this way: 'We Cooks are being sent messages, death messages, not to talk or else … '

Dennis Ryan

P.S. This is only a fraction of the original message, made in four (4) points, that Poem Hunter originally blocked at 9: 36 p.m. concerning J. Mike Cook's untimely death, that of other Cook family members, unwarranted sky-high bills from Duke Health Systems and Duke Power, abuse and insults dealt out to us by Duke Health customer representatives, and attempts by medical doctors and personnel at Duke and Wake County Public Health to subject our son Shawn to an unnecessary eye operation that will put him in harms way due to the use of anaesthesia in patients who suffer the same disorders as Shawn—life-threatening risks due to anesthesia as recorded in major medical studies conducted concerning patients who"died on the table under anesthesia" due to complications involving the same disorder Shawn suffers from. Enough said—smell the police presence in the background pulling all the strings with medical doctors here.

Monday, May 20, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: accident,lies,violence,trauma,death of a friend,lessons of life,life and death,death,deaths,police,police brutality,crime,deception,deceit,murder,university,health,eye,eyes,car
Even now, Poem Hunter is interfering as I write the transcript of this poem, erasing information as I write it.
Dennis Ryan

Dennis Ryan

Wellsville, New York
Error Success