At Last I Am Alone Poem by imogen brand

At Last I Am Alone

Rating: 5.0

What am I?
Why am I here?

These are the questions that wonder through my mind.
This may seem small to you but to me. No not at all.
I live in a world full of stubborn and ignorant people.
A world when I am an object from the past.
A world where I am feared for nothing.
People wish that I disappear into thin air.
In a different word that is born in to nothing.

If they wish I disappear as such
Then why do I exist?
Why am I alive?

I have thought about this question all my life.
And the result is I came up with no answers.
Everyone lives for a reason.
Other wise you might as well be born dead.
A wise man once told me that
‘ We are all born alone, we all live alone, we all die alone.
But only through our love and friendship are we able to create
The illusion for the time that we are not alone’

I then came to this conclusion
I exist to kill every human being. Apart from my self of course.
Living, fighting, for my self.
People see me as a weapon. A human tool.

Why? Why won’t the kiss of death work on me?
All I want to do is die.

But even as that the share of emotions with people more than my self.
Would be such a relief.
To share these feelings with an partner.
From fighting with her as an normal person. I learned that.
She knew pain like I did and then that feeling she taught me.
It changed me as for me into a different person.
That my path has changed.
I wish that one-day, that I am needed by someone.
Not as a weapon.
And that wish came true today.

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imogen brand

imogen brand

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