Awkward Life Poem by Ofentse Mercy Hajane (The Dark So'tho Seer)

Awkward Life

It must be an awkward life
Not knowing the science of life
Not knowing that stars are balls of fiery plasma.
Producing heat by means of nuclear fusion within their core
Not knowing their magnificent distances - Light years away

It must be an awkward life
To not know where the air we breathe come from
To not know that it is made up of smaller units of molecules
Remember at school
When we were told that air is made up of Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen and tints of Ammonia and Methane
Who are also made out of smallest components we derived to call Atoms
The masters creation of life
Pieces of building blocks that have created all that we see
All that we are
All that is and is to come
All that you think
Even the God one behold to exist
Life's mystery does not query to end there

The same material our planet and other planets and their lives are conceived
Can be broken down to even much smaller units
Where we could deduct the electrons
Which humbly revolves around the nucleus of the atom
Further brown down the nucleus into protons and neutrons
Which in the vastness of space
Approximately 15 billion years after the big bang
Created the spectacles of wonders we behold today

It must be an awkward life
Not knowing about our Universe`s world...
... A Multiverse
Even Electrons of the smallest we have come to understand
are giant to those particle dwelling in the sub-atomic world
Photons traveling at a speed of light make it wise for us to know that
Playing between dimensions
Reaping open the time-space continuum theory into reality
It must be awkward
for one not to ask about the black holes
With forces so strong, attracting all that it is.
Not even light can escape its charm, its force
Not to ask any about the counter brother of the black hole
Creatively called a white hole
I do not need to cite what it does
It's like yin and yang
With such might
It's indeed awkward for one not to know about them
Does it also make him awkward?
He who do not know how his brain works
The computer of life
The processor of the Universe
Endowed with over trillions of neurons
All cooperating as a unit
to for a consciousness which is you
To take action or flee

That's exactly what your hypothesis is scatted with
Thoughts that are made out of energy...
Electro-magnetic flowing on them
It must be totally awkward
to not know that all is and is to come is energy-
A consciousness manifesting its own self in many characters
that is you and me
It must be really awkward
To dwell upon fairytales
That all arose from a being of super divinity
An illusion
A cage for the mind

After all it must be awkward
That the little of us is in search of truth,

After all I'm just an African
Who wishes for truth and peace to roam through logic and reasoning.

It must be awkward to not wanting to know the truth and be the truth.


It must be an awkward life indeed...

O.M Hajane

Awkward Life
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: science,thoughts
It's not really a poem.
Just the thoughts I had during my lecture one day...
Ofentse Mercy Hajane (The Dark So'tho Seer)

Ofentse Mercy Hajane (The Dark So'tho Seer)

South Africa/ Johannesburg/ Krugersdorp/ Munsieville
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