Balderdash Poem by Pleasant Dabbs


I was asked to teach how to write poetry today
Thought we would go over some of the basics: stutter in poetry- Stan's uh, Stan's uh and so on
Forms...wooden poetic structure that you pour cement in
Lyric... someone telling Ric to ly
Narrative... Not even a tive or nairy a tive
Ode...A limph node missing the ‘n'
Elegy...poem written for a funeral
Sonnet... a Petrarchan sonnet sung by the Swedish group ABBA
Ballad... an engagement song a man sings to his wife-to-be
Epic... a record label owned by Sony
Rime... video game developed by Tequila Works
Un-rimed...they discontinued the video game
Haiku... someone's response when asked if they wanted to take a hike...Hike who?
Limerick... When they asked Rick what he bought- A Lime Rick
AABBA... there are two groups named Abba, this the first one or the A Group
Anapestic... medicine taken for the flu
Meter...little over a yard
Feet...2 thirds of a meter
Blank verse...a poem written with invisible ink
Free Verse...a poem that doesn't cost anything
Iambic...the boy Bic affirming his name
Assonance...a donkey walking on top of a hill of ants
Consonance...Two cell-mates walking on the same hill
Onomatopoeia...word with all of the vowels but ‘u' with a tomato (missing the ‘t') on top
Simile...A smile with an extra ‘i'
Metaphor...For the first time you met your friend ‘Aphor'
Synecdoche... Christophe Doche - Faculty of Science and Engineering in Australia is a cynic
Metanymy...the first time I met a person from New York
Symbol...Something a drummer dings
Allegory...Al needs to let go of Ry
Personification... Person with a positively charged ion...(kind of ‘iffy')
Irony...Something that has a lot of iron in it
Hyperbole...energetic trunk of a tree
Sarcasm... A canyon crossed in 9 years and 5 days
Tone...a musical note
Mood...if in a good one, you'll write a poem
Atmosphere...the air you breathe
Imagery...Picture on the front of the Royal Bank of Canada
Tetrameter couplets...two fish swimming a little over a yard in distance
Trochees...two little
Spondees...when the (dee) fish spawn up the river
Dactyls... He tills the earth to find two digital-to-analog converters
Anapests...Mosquitos that are bothering Ana

c aaron

Terms used in the writing of poetry
Christopher Aaron 22 October 2017

Think about the construction of the words, the pronunciation of each part and the meaning of each syllable.

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